Animal Feed
The largest amino acid consumer market in the world is feed additives, and amino acids are used as feed additives.
Effect: (1) Promote animal growth and development; (2) improve meat quality, increase milk production and egg production; (3) saving protein feed, so that feed get full use of; (4) reduce costs and increase feed utilization. Atserine, lysine, lysine, lysine, lysine, suspenamine, chromine, glutamic acid, glycine, and alanine. The main are omeidine and lysine, occupying more than 95%of the feed industry; followed by sulic acid and chromine.

The omeminine and lysine used in the world's feed industry is more than 1 million T/A, and it is still increasing year by year.
With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the demand for feed amino acids will continue to increase, because the reasons are oxine and lysine.
Waiting for the essential type of amino acids instead of additional amino acids in the feed, nitrogen and phosphorus that contaminate the environment in poultry feces can be made in one step reduction. In view of this, by adding essential amino acids to the feed, there will be more environmentally friendly hybrid feeds. The species were developed and tried out.